Useful information

Riad AlGORA cuisine
  • A housekeeper who prepares and serves the traditional Moroccan breakfast and provides general housekeeping and daily room cleaning from 8am to 1pm in the Riad.
  • A gardener who looks after the refreshing pool and plants
  • Linen (sheets, bath towels, pool towels)
  • Electricity, water and gas
  • Welcome tea and Moroccan delicacies according to your arrival time
  • Bottled water (1st day of arrival)
  • Wifi, Internet and air conditioning & Heating
  • Toiletries (soap, shampoo and shower gel)
  • Hair dryer
  • Terrace & deckchairs
  • Tourist Tax 2.5 Euro per person per night
  • Dinners on reservation
Riad AlGORA patio repas

Bookable Extras

  • Airport transfers / Shuttles
  • Cooker, meal prepared but not served at table
  • Car, bicycle and scooter hire
  • Spa Massages and beauty treatments see services & facilities
  • Excursions see experience services
  • All requests not included in the list are at an additional cost.